Monday 14 January 2013

Response To Sherlock Clips - Rosie Rattray

Rosie Rattray

Part 2
The first implication that the viewer may see as homosexual is the way that Moriaty quietly and nervously speaks to Sherlock as he says 'hi' after saying this he drops some equipment on the floor whilst secretly trying to leave his number which could be a sign of nervousness or shyness, similar to the stereotypical way a female would act in the presence of a male they have a crush on. This feminine behavior also suggests that Moriaty could be a homosexual. His body language seems to show that he is nervous and uneasy by the way he keeps touching and stroking his arm as some form of comfort. He could maybe also find Sherlock intimidating or domineering due to his intelligence, which is considered a typical masculine quality.Sherlock is also wearing a black suit showing his masculinity, whereas Moriaty seems to be wearing a tight v-neck t-shirt which could be associated with females also and the fact that he appears take pride in his appearance to a great extent, also annotating a female manner. Sherlock appears to be the more dominant character throughout the sequence as he makes little eye contact with Moriaty, appearing to be uninterested in what he has to say, he comes across as intimidating and in control.
In the second clip Sherlock shows his intelligence (therefore reinforcing the fact he is the most masculine and domineering character) by analysing the feminine, or homosexual things that Moriaty seems to do. The things listed such as eyebrow tinting and using product on his hair are typically female things to do. The reference to the underwear showing above his trousers could be described as sexually alluring and, or, could be making a reference to homosexuals in prison who wear their underwear above their trousers to show other prisoners that they are that way inclined.
In the third clip, the conformity of Moriaty to a homosexual stereotype has decreased, he is now in a black suit, which enables him to appear more masculine, his voice becomes deeper and his tone of voice appears aggressive, powerful and patronising (however he calls Sherlock "my dear" which is a saying that would stereo-typically associated with a woman) Suddenly Sherlock seems to become vulnerable, though he is still holding a gun in his hand which maintains part of his masculinity and power. A gun also is described as a phallic object and represents his masculinity. He also in the fourth clip finds it difficult to praise his sidekick which shows that he likes to be the centre of attention, the most intelligent and most praised and doesn't seem to like it when others outdo him. Sherlock's masculinity increases the moment Moriaty is put at gun point, he is put in control and the angle of the camera makes his gun appear large. At gun point Mority's phone rings out embarrassing disco music where he is put at risk of being assumed homosexual again by his choice of ringtone after presenting himself in an aggressive manner beforehand.
Throughout the scenes, characters are reinforcing the stereotypes of homosexuality and heterosexuality.
The sexuality throughout has created conflict between both Sherlock and Moriaty. Moriaty feels intimidated and shy towards Sherlock due to his overpowering masculinity, with the way he dresses, his intelligence and wit. This creates a conflict between the two characters already. It also becomes drama in the way that viewers will have to determine for themselves whether Moriaty is actually a homosexual as it cannot always be assumed. Viewers are not aware of the fact that he is a heterosexual pretending to be a homosexual which causes a twist in the story in which viewers first perceive.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Feedback Of Mock Exam Video's And Images.

Mock Exam - How To Improve

E/A/A - 15 (high level 3) 
To improve -
Show excellent understanding of the task.
Cover rest of scene and go into more detail of camera angles.
Excellent understanding of representations shown by technical areas.
Make sure every point is relevant to the question.
EX - 15 (high level 3)
To improve -
Frequent textual analysis of the extract.
Full range of examples from each technical area.
Examples that are relevant to the question.
T - 5 (level 3)
To improve -
Use of terminology is accurate and relevant.

E/A/A - 16 (low level 4)
To improve - 
Improve on analysis of editing
EX- 15 (high level 3) 
To improve -
Frequent textual analysis of the extract.
Full range of examples from each technical area.
T - 5 (level 3)
To improve -
Use of terminology is accurate and relevant.